Guild Meeting Notes 26 Oct 2016

Raiding Update
Our progression team has attempted Mythic mode. For the future, the raid week will start in Heroic mode to gain some gear upgrades and then move to Mythic. Heroic is expected to be cleared in one raid evening. Mythic has proven difficult but with the release of 7.1, the Kharazan dungeon offers more gear upgrades.

Thanks to Slash for volunteering to be the raid leader for the weekly casual raid on Wednesdays.

Mythic Dungeon Grouping
Following on from last week’s guild meeting, the issue of some guildies being unable to join Mythic Dungeon groups continues.

A timeslot will be dedicated to Mythic dungeon groups forming and should allow people a chance to get into groups. Guildies who are experienced and geared for this content should consider helping out others run these (if they’re not already). Those are looking to run this content relatively fresh faced should be looking to put some effort into the endeavour by researching encounters and understanding how to play their class and role, The timeslot will be placed on the in-game calendar for Tuesday evenings – @krazay to confirm the exact timings.

The idea of having a sign up form for these groups was floated, with one form for those looking to start on Mythic dungeons and another for those willing to run people through said dungeons. The intention being that it would help underscore the need for people to make a team effort for Mythic dungeons. The decision on taking this up was deferred.

Heroes of the Storm
This Saturday’s MOBA night in HotS needs a volunteer to lead it in the absence of @jyrden

The task here is to be the contact for people who want to join the night so that they can form a group in HotS. HotS has recently undergone many changes with its gear and gold accumulation mechanics so that it is far easier now to earn new heroes without spending RL money. If you are willing to be this for the one night on Sat 29 Oct from 20:30 server time then please get in touch with Jyrden directly so that he can update the event’s details.

Town of Salem
Town of Salem Friday evenings continue to be well attended. If you haven’t joined in already, the evenings start at 20:30 server time.

Can’t Make Raid Messages
A suggestion was made that a Discord channel should be created so that it would be easy to inform when you were unable to make a raid. This suggestion was brought up because the guild website is currently unavailable and used to hold a forum thread expressly for this purpose

Post-Meeting Note: The website is back along with the “Can’t Make Raid” thread.

Emerald Nightmare heroic cleared


It’s been less than four weeks since the first raid in Legion released. The Emerald Nightmare consists of seven bosses and for the past few weeks we’ve been doing our best to help the druids free this corrupted place.

We’ve been 30+ raiders all together, with a raid team of about 25-30 players on any given night progressing through first normal, then heroic encounters. Now we’ve managed to defeat the last boss Xavius on heroic. Good job all raiders!

We’ll be continuing clearing Emerald Nightmare hc and hopefully dipping our toes into mythic content as well. In a few weeks the small 3-boss raid Trial of Valor opens up as well, so we have plenty to do! Raid on friends!


We Need You!

Welcome to NakedGang!

NakedGang is a gaming guild that dabbles in many different games. World of Warcraft has the biggest group of NakedGangers, but we also have many players in games like Heroes of the Storm, Rust, Diablo, Town of Salem, and Path of Exiles. If you’re interested in joining us in any of these games, grab hold of an officer for an invite.

NakedGang in World of Warcraft is a social/raiding guild on EU-Saurfang (connected with Darkspear and Terokkar). Social players are always welcome, just whisper an officer for an invite. Our raid schedule is Thursday, Sunday, Monday 20.30-23.00 server time. We also do social/alt raids on Wednesdays. If you’re interested in joining the raid team, whisper an officer for more information.
