We Need You!

Welcome to NakedGang!

NakedGang is a gaming guild that dabbles in many different games. World of Warcraft has the biggest group of NakedGangers, but we also have many players in games like Heroes of the Storm, Rust, Diablo, Town of Salem, and Path of Exiles. If you’re interested in joining us in any of these games, grab hold of an officer for an invite.

NakedGang in World of Warcraft is a social/raiding guild on EU-Saurfang (connected with Darkspear and Terokkar). Social players are always welcome, just whisper an officer for an invite. Our raid schedule is Thursday, Sunday, Monday 20.30-23.00 server time. We also do social/alt raids on Wednesdays. If you’re interested in joining the raid team, whisper an officer for more information.
