Meetings are boring. So instead, I’m going to talk about Dehaka and maybe throw in some references to what happened in this week’s guild meeting whilst I’m at it. It’s time to go primal!
Dehaka is from Blizzard’s Starcraft universe and is one of the primal zerg alien race. That is, he is what the current modern zerg are descended from. This is a little like how I once headed the guild’s original progression raid team1 and through multi-expansions the team evolved into what it is today with Atuuh leading it. You might say, I’m the Dehaka to Atuuh’s Queen of Blades, Kerrigan2. This is a good thing as a new raid has just opened up and Atuuh has plans on how we approach it whilst I would have little to no idea on how to approach it.
Unlike most members of the modern zerg, Dehaka retains individuality from the hivemind, allowing him to make independant decisions. On joining Kerrigan’s Swarm, Dehaka is put in charge of a strike team, leading a number of zerg to capture and destroy key enemy facilites. The addition to Kerrigan’s Swarm could not have come at a better time as she was facing foes with superior numbers. Any army general values additional leaders amongst his men. Right now, the guild could do with another raid leader – specifically for the weekly casual raids.
Whilst the modern zerg evolve new strains rapidly, Dehaka adapts himself for any perceived advantage that could be achieved. He lurks in the shadows waiting to pounce on an unsuspecting target. Players of Town of Salem use similiar targets, dancing around topics and hints to who each other and then when someone reveals critical information, they use that to lynch or save someone. Town of Salem is played weekly on Fridays at 20:30 server time or 19:30 BST.
Dehaka is available to play in Heroes of the Storm (HotS). Personally, he’s my comfort pick, especially in a two warrior composition where his global movement traits allow him to approach engagements from multiple directions or reposition to intercept a fleeing hero. There’s something to said for playing as the monster on a team – you can always experience this first hand weekly on Saturday evenings! 20:30 server time or 19:30 BST.
Note 1: This and a lot of what follows after is make-believe just to be entertaining. We’re in a post-facts society now folks!
Note 2: Ok, really I just wanted to call Atuuh a queen. So sue me.