Home Forums General Chat 2017 Real-Life Meetup Discussion

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Krazay 8 years ago.

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    Hey Nakeds!

    For our next real-life meet we’re starting the discussion early to give everyone enough time to plan ahead. We’ve a meeting taking place on Sat 3 Dec. If you can’t make it, then please use this thread to raise any related comments.

    Key points we will talk about:

      Who wants to come? {Some idea of numbers, doesn’t need to be a firm commitment just yet}
      Where will the meet up be? {Which country? Does anyone have a home/accommodation that can easily hold a lot of people?}
      How will we pay? {individually? group booking? Bear in mind, group booking might mean we need to set up funds well in advance}
      What shall we do?


    I’m definitely interested in coming.

    While I’m happy to offer my home as a possible venue again, I think it’d be better to keep some variety to avoid falling into trap of getting bored with a city (like we have with London).

    While I’d like the option of us being able to stay in the same/close building, hiring a large enough place would only be practical out of holiday season, which limits the availability for students, parents and people with jobs.

    A few examples of places that ‘might’ work.

    The dungeons and dragons session was a lot of fun, but so was the pool at Pure’s French holiday home, but I think it’s nice to have more options about having meals together, even if it’s ordering Pizzas.



    On Sunday February the 26th 19.30 server time we’ll have another meeting about the RL meetup. Hopefully we’ll have a more concrete plan then. We’re looking at having the meetup last weekend in May.

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