• I’ve caught a cold, and haven’t been getting much sleep because of it, so I’m going to pass on raiding tonight, (and probably Town of Salem unless I’ve recovered), hopefully I’ll be better by Sunday.

  • I’m definitely interested in coming.

    While I’m happy to offer my home as a possible venue again, I think it’d be better to keep some variety to avoid falling into trap of getting bored with a city (like we have with London).

    While I’d like the option of us being able to stay in the same/close building, hiring a large enough place would only be…[Read more]

  • Telvara replied to the topic Introduce Yourself in the forum General Chat 8 years, 3 months ago

    You prefer to go by what name?

    Telv (or Neil)

    How long (if at all) have you played World of Warcraft for?

    2008 (late Burning Crusade) -Present (after the noob mistake of starting Alliance, quickly defected to the Horde, with Telvar faction/race changing to Telvara, before co-founding NakedGang with Keesinho)

    How many alts do you go by?…[Read more]

  • Telvara replied to the topic Introduce Yourself in the forum General Chat 8 years, 3 months ago

    You prefer to go by what name?

    Telv (or Neil)

    How long (if at all) have you played World of Warcraft for?

    2008 (late Burning Crusade) -Present (after the noob mistake of starting Alliance, quickly defected to the Horde, with Telvar faction/race changing to Telvara, before co-founding NakedGang with Keesinho)

    How many alts do you go by?…[Read more]

  • Telvara replied to the topic Introduce Yourself in the forum General Chat 8 years, 3 months ago

    You prefer to go by what name? Telv (or Neil)
    How long (if at all) have you played World of Warcraft for?
    2008 (late Burning Crusade) -Present (after the noob mistake of starting Alliance, quickly defected to the Horde, with Telvar faction/race changing to Telvara, before co-founding NakedGang with Keesinho)
    How many alts do you go by?…[Read more]

  • As you probably gathered, I was really tired last night, it seems that the clock changing came on a bad weekend for me (a long and tiring weekend involving family). This morning, I woke up at half eight (nearly two hours later than usual, even with the clock change) so I think I’d be better off taking an early night today, and rejoin the raiders…[Read more]

  • Telvara changed their profile picture 8 years, 4 months ago

  • Telvara changed their profile picture 8 years, 4 months ago

  • Telvara became a registered member 8 years, 4 months ago